Monday, May 4, 2009

Impression or Deception

While we are talking about Consulates, I thought it would be appropriate to mention my experience of visiting the Consulate General of Pakistan in Vancouver.

The consulate is located on the 14th floor of a modern building in downtown Vancouver. A high speed elevator took us to the 14th floor. When I got there, I felt I was in the wrong place. I was expecting to be greeted in Urdu by an old bearded brown man. Instead, we were received by a young oriental girl who spoke in a clear Canadian accent. We explained the purpose of our visit and she guided us to the consular office. During the short hop between the reception desk and the office, I happened to glance around a bit. The place was as plush as a five star hotel lobby; wall to wall carpeting, shiny desks made of some really good quality wood and spotless windows that made the scenic vistas of the waterfront area even more appealing.

Overwhelmed by the poshness of the consulate, I reluctantly opened the door to the consular room. Inside, there was a sparkling mahogany desk in a corner and some chairs were neatly arranged facing the desk. Behind the desk was a big color portrait of Jinnah mounted on a wall. Photos of the picturesque northern mountains adorned the other walls of the room. Moments later, a Pakistani guy walked into the room and took care of our paperwork. His attitude had a kind of politeness that you wouldn't find in any government office in Pakistan!

Now, the picture of Pakistan that they are trying to paint is poles apart from what Pakistan is really like. Government offices are dilapidated with termite infested furniture and waterlogged walls. When I left the office, I couldn't help but wonder... what are they trying to prove? Are they trying to impress overseas Pakistanis so that they would think about moving back, or are they trying to beguile westerners who have no idea what the third world is like? Whatever the case maybe, I walked out with a strange but positive mood tinged with nostalgia and hope. Perhaps one day, Pakistan will be like its consulates abroad.

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